或者又有一天,你爱死这男人,而你也向他表达了对他爱的方式,你选择不戴套,女人还是先照顾自己.快去买morning after pills 来吃吧.为你着想也为你无辜的孩子.这是最紧急的方法了,安全又简单.
What is the morning-after pill?
The morning-after pill stops you from becoming pregnant if contraception failed or wasn't used.Although lots of people talk about the morning-after pill, this term is actually misleading. In reality, the pill works for up to 72 hours (three days) after sex.But the earlier you take it, the better: the morning-after pill works best if taken within 24 hours of unprotected sex.
Is it dangerous to use?
Not at all. If anybody tells you that it has 'lots of side-effects' or 'makes you really sick', don't believe them.The older form of PCP used in the 1990s did often cause nausea, but today's pill causes very little trouble.You may feel a bit sick after taking it, but only about 1 woman in every 60 actually throws up.If you do vomit within three hours of taking Levonelle, you should assume its effect has been lost, and get another one from a doctor or pharmacist. Uncommon side-effects, which as a GP I've hardly ever seen, include:
tummy ache
breast tenderness
vaginal 'spotting' of blood
You can find more details about side-effects from the package leaflet.Is there anyone who shouldn’t take it?There are some women who shouldn't take the post-coital pill. They include people with severe liver disease and people with a very rare condition called porphyria.But for nearly everyone, Levonelle is fine and most unlikely to cause any significant problems.The herbal medicine St John's wort reduces its effectiveness. If you take St John's wort, your doctor may want to prescribe a larger dose of the pill.
How do I get it?
1. From your GPMost general practices will see you on the day you request the morning-after pill, but you must make it clear to the receptionist that the need is urgent. If there is some difficulty in getting to see your GP, you can get Levonelle from several other types of doctor.
Medics at family planning clinics - if you need help in finding one, call the fpa on 020 7837 5432.
Doctors at youth advisory clinics or Brook advisory clinics for young people - details from Brook on 08000 185023.
Doctors at university/college health centres.
Medical officers at genitourinary medicine (STD) clinics.
Some private doctors, particularly at walk-in clinics in central London.
2. From your local pharmacyYou can now buy the morning-after pill from a pharmacy without needing a prescription.The downside is the pharmacy will make a charge for it, currently £22. However, there are a few areas of the UK where special local arrangements have been put in place to provide emergency contraception for free.The pharmacist will have a quick chat with you first, to make sure you can take this medicine safely and understand what to do if it doesn't work. This is done discreetly, so don't worry that others will hear.Not every chemist is willing to do this work. To avoid delays, it's probably worth calling your local pharmacy first to check if they supply Levonelle without a prescription.